Our Warranty
Jacobs yacht cradles and motor boat stands provide a 7 year warranty against structural defects caused by defects of
workmanship and corrosion.
The following are specifically excluded from our warranty:
- Minor corrosion that has no effect on structural integrity of the cradle
- Defects caused by improper use or abuse of our product
- Failure of the cradle due to improper setting up of the product
- Failure of the cradle when supporting a yacht for which cradle was not specified.
- Failure of the cradle in extreme weather conditions where the yacht has been laid up in an exposed position and the following have not been complied with:
- Use of load binders, or strops
- Use of base extensions
- Where keel has not been restrained from lateral movement (rolling). This can be avoided by chocking in between the centre rails and keel.
- Cradle not anchored to the ground with the use of ground anchors
For you and your yacht's safety:
- All cradles should be specified to suit exact length, beam,draft,and type of yacht or motor boat
- All yacht cradles, and motor boat stands should be galvanised to BS 729
- Jacobs yacht cradles fully endorse and support the BMIF guidelines for the laying up of yachts and motor boats while ashore
- Cradle base widths must be wider than maximum beam width of yachts to facilitate a cradle arm angle of 50-70 degrees
- Storage of yachts and motor boats while ashore must be undertaken by competent personnel
- If the mast is left stepped and cradle positioned in very exposed location base extensions may be needed.
- At all times yachts should be load binded or stropped into cradles
- Cradles should only be used for yachts as specified
- Adjusting screws should be greased on a regular basis
- Cradles should be inspected on a yearly basis
- Locking pins, lynch pins, and R clips provided with cradles must be used at all times.